Instructions for Installing CloudMonitor - START HERE
Step 1: Download the CloudMonitor Analytics Engine in Azure
Step 2: Configure Azure Synapse
How to Create a Service Principal and Client Secret
How to recreate Client Secret?
Configuring the Service Principal for the Teams Bot
Why do you need my Contact Email?
Why are there 2 Apps to Install?
How many users can use CloudMonitor?
What is a Cost Group?
How do I create the cost groups?
What is the difference between all of the “Show Cost By” options?
Can I build my own reports and customized dashboards?
What Type of Reports and Dashboards can I get?
How can I give access to the PowerBI reports to other people in my organisation? Do they need to download it?
How do I set up alerts and configure who receives which alerts?
Can I configure the alerts for specific scenarios?
How can I take action for a recommendation?
What is the Default Owner Email?
How does CloudMonitor set up the Owner?
What is the difference between Owners and Created by?
How to upgrade Power BI to the latest version?
How to delete a previously installed version of the CloudMonitor Reports
How to Resolve "Couldn't Overwrite the app" when Upgrading Power BI to the Latest Version